Saturday, May 5, 2007

Annotated Bib

Under Age Substance Abuse

I am doing research on underage substance abuse and the causes and effects of why it happens. I am also talking about why kids try drugs and get addicted to them. The focus will probably sway more towards athletes and the reasons why they need to abuse the use of drugs and performance enhancers. Many articles will range from child abuse to the use of drugs in sports. I guess it really doesn’t make any sense to me why people use drugs because I am an athlete and I never have seen any reason to use drugs. I will propose a way to combat drugs by bringing a harsher punishment to people who are caught using drugs. I also, will bring up a proposal of random drug testing and when offenders are caught the punishment will be terrible. If any users will be caught and they are athletes I will suggest they be kicked off the team and have some other type of punishment. In order for this to work my research will really need to be focused on athletes in high school and college because it seems lately that they are a huge problem. I will start by setting up educational opportunities by clean professional athletes to come in a talk about how it is stupid to use drugs. I will also bring in recovered drug addicts because they always seem to have the biggest influence on people. The research I will conduct will focus on early childhood and slowly move into the college realm as I set up the causes and effects of drug abuse. I think it will be cool to learn why drugs become addicting because I will be able to talk to a few of my friends to help them get away from tobacco use. This proposal will be a really hard plan to commit to and it will take many years just because of how many problems there are in schools around the US today. It seems like every kid is a drug dealer or knows one and this is where we must aim to stop the problems. The education will be focused on the dealers and a way to help them get out of the drug selling problem. It would not make much sense to not think about the drug dealers when teaching kids about drugs because if we don’t get rid of them then we won’t stop the problem. This is where my proposal will take place and I will really focus my research to fit into the progression from a young adolescent into a college student and the reasons why people begin to use drugs and get addicted to them. This is going to be a tough research project but it will all be worth it when it comes out into the final product.

  1. Clark, Charles S. "Child Sexual Abuse." CQ Researcher 3.2 (1993): 25-48. CQ

Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article on sexual abuse of children. It seems to have some effect on their dependence on substances as they grow into their teens and adulthood. As children are abused sexually they look for other ways to let out their rage and fears. Also, they may feel like using substances cleanses them from their “dirty” life. The author uses a lot of language that is easy to understand and really uses it to connect with adolescents. His topic is really very relevant to the time period because it seems that many more children are being sexually abused; and also, many have come out into the public about it because of all of the help given by groups of people. This is a solid article because it really works with the causes of substance abuse and fits well into my ideal proposal.

  1. Clack, Charles S. "Underage Drinking." CQ Researcher 2.10 (1992): 217-240.

CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This article shows that some progress is being made in combating underage drinking on campus. It also shows however that it causes more then fifty percent of the sexual abuse cases reported on most campuses. Underage drinking on campuses is a huge problem that is leading to rape and other health issues. Campuses around the country need to implement maybe a weekly check on the dorms to see if anything is going on that is not suppose to happen. This author seems to really know what he is talking about with the problems on school campuses and drinking. He shows his relevance as he relates his knowledge of underage substance abuse to people who need to understand, underage abusers. This may be an article that I use a lot of information because of how well Mr. Clack writes, how easy he is to understand, and how well he gets his point across.

  1. Clemmitt, Marcia. "Combating Addiction." CQ Researcher 17.6 (2007): 121-144. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article on drug addiction. It lays out how exactly drugs become addictive and then shows how difficult the habit is to break. It explains that once a person gets into a routine it is almost impossible to quick using unless they can get out of that routine. People go into rehab to get away from their daily activities and to find a new way to go through their day to dodge the free time to use their substances. This is a good article because of how well Marcia lays out what happens to a person. She seems to really know what she is doing. This is a solid article because it talks about what happens and it is important for me to know how people get addicted or I wouldn’t be able to write my proposal, this is very relevant to my research.

  1. Cooper, Mary H. "War on Drugs." CQ Researcher 3.11 (1993): 241-264. CQ

Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article about the war on drugs. It brings up the option of whether it is smarter to educate on the terrible effects of drugs or just to try to use fear as a way of prevention. It explains that maybe it is better to just scare people away from using drugs by making punishments worse. This has not worked yet as there are so many underground cartels it is ridiculous. Mrs. Cooper is very well informed as she shows the pros and cons of education and fear. This is a smart article to use because it brings two aspects of thought and reason into play as it shows what happens form both sides of the plate. I will hopefully be using this article because it does have some great information from a very smart source.

  1. Glazer, Sarah. "Preventing Teen Drug Use." CQ Researcher 5.28 (1995): 657-

680. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This article is about teen drug abuse and its rising statistics in America. It says that although it seems drug use is falling in high school age kids and it is rising dramatically in pre-high schoolers. It shows that people are beginning to try drugs early because it is the cool thing to do. It is a good thing that it is dropping in high schools because it means education is working. Now it is time to implement the knowledge even earlier. This is an ok source just because I am not really going to be dealing with pre-teen drug abuse. This lady is very informed but worries too much with younger people and I am really trying to focus on high school to college age. I probably won’t use much from this source but it is very informative if someone is looking for problems with younger children’s’ problems.

  1. Glazer, Sarah. "Treating Addiction." CQ Researcher 5.1 (1995): 1-24. CQ

Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article on treatment of drug addiction. It poses the question as to whether the government needs to try new ways of helping the addicted users get off their habit. It doesn’t talk a lot about the problems with substance abuse but just ways to treat addiction. It is a great source for people looking for ways to treat addiction problems as Mrs. Glazer really knows what she is talking about. I don’t really think I am going to use this source because I don’t really want to talk about the treating aspect but how to stop underage users from becoming addicted to substances. This is why I am not going to really use this article; it does really work with what I am talking about. It is, however, a great source for someone who is thinking about going into rehab.

  1. Hansen, Brian. "Hazing." CQ Researcher 14.1 (2004): 1-24. CQ Researcher

Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article about hazing and what role drugs and alcohol have in it. It uses specific examples such as a boy who went into a coma after being forced to take 15 consecutive whiskey shots. It also explains how some kids are made to snort lines of unknown substances because they are new to teams. It is crazy what people will make others do just because they have the power. I really like this article because it gives amazing examples of underage substance abuse and this is an easy problem to stop. Hazing only happens because people are new to teams or frats or something else. Mr. Hansen has written a good article that is extremely relevant to what I am working on because he does a good job of presenting problems and possible answers. I will use some examples out of this because it displays what I need in an easy to reach format.

  1. Jost, Kenneth. "Sports and Drugs." CQ Researcher 14.26 (2004): 613-636. CQ

Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article about drug abuse in sports. It shows how many athletes are being accused of drug abuse and then gives statistics as to how it relates to teens. It shows how they turn what they see into practice. It explains that in order to compete in the next level and with the people around you it is “necessary” to use some sort of performance enhancer. Steroid abuse has become a huge problem in sports in high school students because they felt they need it to reach the next level. This is my favorite article because it touches me close to the heart. I really like how this guy writes and explains the problems in an easy to read fashion. I will use a lot of references to this source because I am going to focus a lot on athletics if I stay with my research. This is a good article if a person is looking for anything on substance abuse and sports.

  1. Koch, Kathy. "Drug Testing." CQ Researcher 8.43 (1998): 1001-1024. CQ

Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article posing the question as to whether drug testing is having any effectiveness on fighting drug use. It compares drug use to the numbers tested and how the two may be related. It explains how drug testing in sports may be working but it does not seem to be completely stopping the problem. Drug testing in work does not have intervals close enough together and people are able to use without getting caught because the drugs get out of there system before the tests. It would work much better if it was random maybe even once a month because drugs take longer than that to get out of a person’s system. This is a great article and again closely relates with what I want to talk about. I like the way this article is written and it is easy to understand. I will be using a lot of citations from this source because it will fit nicely into my paper.

  1. Mantel, Barbara. "Drinking on Campus." CQ Researcher 16.28 (2006): 649-672.

CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Gateway Library, Phoenix, AZ. 19 Mar. 2007

This is an article on how it seems we have failed to control drinking in college as a whole. It shows that as we seem to put more effort into it, the abuse seems to rise. It will work better if people receive a harsher punishment for breaking the rules of the campus. It seems that people will work more with the rules if they know they will get into a lot of trouble. This will only work if every campus in the world turns to a harsher punishment and works together to educate and punish anyone who breaks the rules. This is a good article as it relates to what I am talking about in the sense that it focuses around school campuses. This is a good article and I will most likely use a few quotes from it if I keep my topic.

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